My bouquet

My bouquet will be somewhat similar to this.  It will be round with dahlia, stephanotis, and hydrangea.

Their bouquets

My bridesmaid will carry a bouquet of green pom flowers aka Yono Ono flowers.  I love these flowers as the vibrant green will really pop against the deep purple BM dresses.

A special bouquet for a special girl

My niece Katelyn is a junior BM and will carry a pomander (kissing ball) of green poms. 

Groom's boutonniere

Love the simple boutonniere of white stephanotis.  So elegant.

Groomsmen boutonnieres

His boys and the fathers will wear these.  Love it!

The centerpieces

I love tall centerpieces with manzanita branches.  We will have alternating tables with a centerpiece similar to this.  We'll use the granny smith apples, purple flowers, and hanging votives.  The other tables will have a shorter centerpiece with the apples and same flowers.